The Oil and Gas (O&G) industry is now recovering from weak prices, asset alignments, and productivity efficiencies. However, it still faces fundamental challenges such as competition from non-fossil fuel resources, overhung regulations, sustainable cost efficiency in over- and under-supplied markets, capital discipline, and asset maintenance. The processes and systems involved in exploration, production, refining, and marketing in the Oil & Gas industry are highly complex, capital-intensive, and require state-of-the-art technology. Needless to say, the O&G companies are pressurized to adapt to the dynamic technological advancements and boost productivity, while keeping costs under control. This urgently calls for a higher-than-ever degree of collaboration and data-driven decision-making to optimize costs and maximize organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency. Grab Technology understands the unique Oil & Gas value chain and provides solutions spanning complex engineering in the upstream and customer responsive business solutions in the retail and marketing segments. Our domain-rich experience and capabilities in digital transformation, IoT, automation, analytics, and artificial intelligence help unlock value for organizations in their transformation journey. Grab Technology is a renowned name in the niche area of business benefits-led outsourcing programs with the ability to offer committed year-on-year productivity on not just IT SLAs and KPIs but also on the key indicators that drive Oil &Gas companies.
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